Dental Implants are a commonplace practice in Maxillofacial surgery. They are widely used to provide a solid foundation to have a crown placed on compromised teeth. Today we examine a more technical use case for them; the efficacy and long term outcomes of resin bridge Dental implants in severly atrophic Mandibles.
This study will be our focus: Fixed, Fiber-Reinforced Resin Bridges on 5.0-mm Implants in Severely Atrophic Mandibles: Up to 5 Years’ Follow-Up of a Prospective Cohort Study.
Their aim was to evaluate the outcomes of resin bridges on ultrashort implants in terms of bone loss and overall implant survival. These measures would give a good indication of the procedures efficacy and cost effectiveness. Lets take a look at their findings.
Dental Implant Findings
Dental implant cumulative survival rates were 98.5% and the the cumulative 1-, 3-, and 5-year patient-based implant survival rates were 94.1%.
The marginal bone level (MBL) of the mesial implants overtime:
0 ± 0.3 mm at the time of loading (n = 33)
After 1 year: −0.1 ± 0.3 mm (n = 20)
After 3 years:−0.4 ± 0.5 mm (n = 10)
After 5 Years:−1.5 ± 1.0 mm (n = 4)
The results indicated that the dental implants by and large provided a cost effective, stable and most importantly safe resolution. As an alternative to prosthetic restoration fixed, full-arch and fiber-reinforced resin bridge dental implant treatments should be highly regarded. This procedure was found to have equivalent implant survival rates and MBL as that of threaded implants of coventional lengths.
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