Dental Implants in Atrophic Mandibles

Dental Implants are a commonplace practice in Maxillofacial surgery. They are widely used to provide a solid foundation to have a crown placed on compromised teeth. Today we examine a more technical use case for them; the efficacy and long term outcomes of resin bridge Dental implants in severly atrophic Mandibles.Dental Implants (resin)

This study will be our focus: Fixed, Fiber-Reinforced Resin Bridges on 5.0-mm Implants in Severely Atrophic Mandibles: Up to 5 Years’ Follow-Up of a Prospective Cohort Study.


Their aim was to evaluate the outcomes of  resin bridges on ultrashort implants in terms of bone loss and overall implant survival. These measures would give a good indication of the procedures efficacy and cost effectiveness. Lets take a look at their findings.

Dental Implant Findings

Dental implant cumulative survival rates were 98.5% and the the cumulative 1-, 3-, and 5-year patient-based implant survival rates were 94.1%.

The marginal bone level (MBL) of the mesial implants overtime:

0 ± 0.3 mm at the time of loading (n = 33)

After 1 year: −0.1 ± 0.3 mm (n = 20)

After 3 years:−0.4 ± 0.5 mm (n = 10)

After 5 Years:−1.5 ± 1.0 mm (n = 4)


The results indicated that the dental implants by and large provided a cost effective, stable and most importantly safe resolution. As an alternative to prosthetic restoration fixed, full-arch and fiber-reinforced resin bridge dental implant treatments should be highly regarded. This procedure was found to have equivalent implant survival rates and MBL as that of threaded implants of coventional lengths.


Fixed, Fiber-Reinforced Resin Bridges on 5.0-mm Implants in Severely Atrophic Mandibles: Up to 5 Years’ Follow-Up of a Prospective Cohort Study

Rudolf Seemann, MD, DMD, PhD, Florian Wagner, MD, Correspondence information about the author MD Florian Wagner,Mauro Marincola, DMD, PhD , Rolf Ewers, MD, DMD, PhD

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